October 2, 2010

    Jobs opportunity Environment at The Bayan Group, Lowongan Teknik Lingkungan

    The Bayan Group is engaged in open cut mining of various coal quality from mines located primarily in East and South Kalimantan. Being an integrated coal producer in Indonesia the Bayan Group through its various mines, produces coal ranging from semi-soft coking coal to environmentally-friendly low sulphur, sub-bituminous coal.

    The Bayan Group, through various companies, has exclusive rights to mine under five Coal Contracts of Works (CCOWs) and three Kuasa Pertambangan’s (KPs) awarded by the Government of Indonesia over a total concession are of 81,265 Ha/ The Bayan Group coal resources and reserves have been independently verified and certified to international JORC standards by third-party mining consultant.

    Serving as an integrated coal producer, the Bayan Group has its own coal loading infrastructure. It owns the largest coal terminal in Indonesia known as the Balikpapan Coal Terminal located in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, with a throughput capacity of 15 million metric tones per annum and a stockpiling capacity of approximately one million tones across 16 stockpiles. It can fully load large Panamax vessels (up to 90,0000 DWT) and partially load Cape size vessels (up to 200,000 DWT) , making the Bayan Group an exceptional integrated coal producer. It is also the only coal producer in the country to operate a Floating Transfer-Station that can be moved to take advantage of the location with the greatest demand or to avoid bad weather and can be positioned to load capsize vessels. These infrastructure assets complement the logistical aspects of the Bayan Group’s business and at the same time, provide benefits to take advantage of ample mining opportunities. Whenever capacity permits, these infrastructure assets are also readily utilized by third parties from whom the Bayan Group receives a secondary source of income., we are now seeking to recruit high caliber, creative, highly dedicated, and dynamic professional who will be based in our head office:

    Scope of Job:

    * Responsible in supervising and administer the implementation process of Environment activities such as reclamation, revegation, hazards & pollutions in surrounding operation of work area to create alertness and optimally maintain skills of Environment
    * Conduct environment manage and monitoring to fulfill environment quality standard that has been required


    * Having experience minimum of 4 years in similar capacity
    * Understand mine regulation and in Environment
    * Having certified in HSE professionalism (Ahli K3) would be preferred
    * Understand waste management, revegetation, reclamation, ANDAL, RKL, RPL
    * Able to analyze safety & mine equipment availability, prepare ANDAL report
    * Male, age between 28 – 40 years old


    * Education minimum Bachelor Degree in Environmental Engineering
    * Communicative and able to work as a team
    * Analytical thinking and understand main details that is required to solve duties and certain problems
    * Able to prepare report and conduct the presentation of Environment & Safety
    * Good proficiency in English both oral & written

    Scope of Job:

    * Manage and organize process activities of environment control program in reclamation, revegetation, hazards and pollutions
    * Carrying-out HSE Program in work environment


    * Having experience minimum of 2 years in similar capacity
    * Understand mine regulation and environment at the coal mine company
    * Understand activity that is required in mine closure activities.
    * Male, age between 25 – 35 years old


    * Education minimum Bachelor Degree in Environment
    * Communicative and able to work as a team
    * Analytical thinking and understand main details that is required to solved duties and certain problems
    * Able to operate Computer with Ms. Office, AutoCAD
    * Good proficiency in English both oral & written

    Please send your detail resume include your current salary and your expected salary to this email address below:

    in your email indicating the job code at the subject line.



    Career is more than your job, it entails everything you learn and work at during your lifetime. People change jobs or get retrenched all the time. There is more to it than staying in one job or even occupation. It is about careful planning to reach your goals.

    Start out by planning your career

    Learn to know your weak and strong points. What do you want people to remember when they read something about you in a hundred years time? Do you want to be rich, famous or known for changes made to the workplace, society or any specific field, or do you want to be remembered for a specific skill? Are people more important to you than objects? Do you want to settle at one place or like to move around?

    Think about the things you dream about.

    What is your passion? What do you like to do in your spare time? What is it that you have wanted to do all of your life? Also consider those things you dread whether it is change or routine, working with your hands, seeking advice, dislike in people, animals, or loads of activity. People differ and knowing what makes you tick and what irritates you will help establish your main interests. READ MORE.....