March 13, 2010

    Job Kerja Kalimantan Tengah, Perusahaan Multinasional Tambang Batubara

    Job Kerja Kalimantan Tengah, Perusahaan Multinasional Tambang Batubara

    A Multinational Company Coal Mine located in Central Kalimantan and has been produce by PKP2B license, require some labor dynamic & creative professionals, has a good track record in the field, to join and grow with us, with the position and qualifications as follows:

    Barging SUPERVISOR

    • To implement, coordinate, and monitor the process of unloading (unloading) and loading (loading) cargo of coal from and to the barge, as well as coordinate and monitor the travel process to load coal stockpile storage sites and mother vessel,
    • Coordinate and monitor the contractor in carrying out the examination process and the calculation of the coal charge before it dismantled,
    • Checking the truth and relevance of data between survey results and report the status barge related to the number, type, and contamination of the coal charge, and prepared a report on the re-draft the survey,
    • Coordinate and monitor the process of unloading (unloading) cargo ship coal from barges,
    • Preparing schedules the unloading process (unloading) and loading (loading) of coal and into the barge,
    • Coordinate and monitor the loading (loading) into a coal barge,
    • To coordinate and assist tug boat to assist / escort barge trip up to the next safe point,
    • Monitoring coal cargo security through communication with the captain of the ship,
    • Preparing barge and prepared a report for submission to the status of barging & Shipping Manager.

    General requirements:
    • Male, age min 35 years,
    • Graduates min. DIII shipping / cruise,
    • Having certificate Nautika Expert Level (ANT)-III,
    • 3 years experience in the field of shipping, mainly derived from similar companies (Coal Mining),
    • Mastering the ship's engine technical (barge, tug boat, etc.),
    • technical skill loading and unloading cargo,
    • Mastering the English language, min passive,
    • Ability to work in a team or individually, have good communication skills, leadership, integrity and high commitment, honest and dedicated,
    • Willing to placed in Central Kalimantan (Site),
    • Able to use computer tools (Word, excel).


    Key Accountabilities:
    • Strong knowledge and has successfully mines experience in planning, project planning, scheduling, management of open cut mines,
    • Be able to review short term quality data for planning purposes and compare with production requirements,
    • Be able to Ensure that mine and productions plans reflect production requirements and logical progression,
    • Familiar with forecasting, planning and monitoring of production process related to mining activities,
    • Be able to construct pit geology models & designs,
    • Strong communication skill all significant issues about Relating, to operations, safety or environmental management.

    Specific Requirements:
    • Min. S1 Mining Engineer from reputable University,
    • Min. 2 years experience as Mining Engineer in Coal Mining Company,
    • Familiar with computer literate Microsoft Office and have good knowledge of software programs especially Mincom mining software,
    • Initiative, planning & organizing skills, problem solving, time management, interpersonal skills, teamwork, and client focus and be result driven,
    • Willing to work in a remote area (Central Kalimantan).


    • Understand and understand the Law - Law / Regulations Health Safety (K3) and environmental management in mining,
    • Ability to provide direction and guidance (SOP) safety work for every type of mining activity,
    • Ability to identify and act immediately to stop all activities that lead to accidents,
    • Controlling and supervising procedures Safety & Environment in the work environment,
    • Ensure compliance with all occupational safety and health work in accordance with employment regulations and the company,
    • Can be made for environmental programs based on input and problems that arise,
    • Ability to monitor the environmental health and safety at all times,
    • Taking into account the environment around the mining site based on EIA,
    • Supervise and control waste disposal,
    • Ability to create programs for the rehabilitation of the environment.

    General Qualifications:
    • Preferably male, age maximum 35 years,
    • Pendidikan min S1, preferably from the environmental engineering department, public health from leading universities,
    • Min 2-3 years experience as an officer safety & environment, preferably of similar companies,
    • Experience in manufacturing companies / industries, and preferably experience in the coal mine company,
    • Placements in the Remote areas - Central Kalimantan,
    • Ability to communicate well, able to operate computers and understand English,
    • Able to work in a team.

    COAL PLANT Crushing Superintendent (CCP)

    Key Accountabilities:
    • Mastering Crushing Plant Construction, Operation & Maintenance,
    • Can create a schedule of work activities and production targets,
    • Can operate crushing equipment,
    • Used to set the ROM coal stockpile blending and product shipments to the process and in accordance with specified targets,
    • Understand the process of loading coal into barges,
    • Have skills and knowledge in the analysis of coal, coal blending process (coal blending), the operation of heavy equipment, generators, etc.),
    • Used to shift work system,
    • Ability to communicate well with contractors and the communities,
    • Familiar with coal stockpile management.

    Specific Requirements:
    • Preferably male, age min 35 years,
    • Minimum education S1 from leading universities, mainly from mining engineering / metallurgy,
    • Min 5 years experience in manufacturing companies / industries, and preferably experience in the coal mine company,
    • Placements in the Remote areas - Central Kalimantan, the ability to communicate well, able to operate computers and understand English,
    • Memikili initiative, responsible, good team work,
    • Able to work in a team.


    • Have knowledge and skills both in the field of revegetasi, eg fertilization techniques, plant spacing, plant type reply in accordance with soil conditions, etc.,
    • Have knowledge and good skills in technical fields or nurseries nursery plants,
    • Having knowledge in the field of reclamation, especially mining area,
    • Coordinate and implement activities in the area of mine reclamation, to conduct field inspections to ensure the implementation of reclamation activities in accordance with the plan,
    • Overseeing contractors in carrying out activities of reclamation activities in the area of the mine based on the department's plan,
    • Preparing the data associated with the mine expansion plans, top soil conditions, elevation of land, potential acid and others,
    • Implement activities in the area of reclamation revegetasi based on the principles of EIA and planning departments,
    • Working with consultants to ensure the truth of environmental data collection (eg, acidic conditions, ground water, etc.),
    • Implement water management activities (water management), Checking the condition of water in the pool pengendap and implement preventive measures (treatment) environmental pollution (eg: provision of calcium oxide, alum or the chemicals eat it) to maintain and ensure that water conditions according to standard quality standards,
    • Implement the mine waste management activities (waste management) in the form of organic waste, non-organic, hidrocarbon (eg refueling or oil to heavy equipment) and production of waste classified as B3 (toxic and dangerous substances).

    General Qualifications:
    • Preferably male, 35 years maximum,
    • Pendidikan min S1 from leading universities, mainly from the Engineering Department of Forestry (Silviculture),
    • Having a good knowledge of EIA and its implementation,
    • minimum 2 years experience in the field nursery and revegetasi or reclamation, preferably from coal mining companies, or similar,
    • Preferably have a driver's license,
    • Able to communicate well, both with contractors and the communities,
    • Responsible, highly initiative, honest, dedicated, and can work well in the team,
    • Willing to be placed in a remote area (Central Kalimantan).

    ELECTRICAL MECHANIC Maintenance Superintendent

    • Works with both technical repair and maintenance of four-wheeled vehicles, the engines of heavy equipment (dozer, conveyor, etc.), generators, speed boat, electric alat2 (AC, water pump, etc.), etc.,
    • Ability to plan, manage and monitor the work process in the field of maintenance and repair tool for the operational exploitation, exploration, coal crushing, as well as supporting infrastructure facilities in the area of the mine and camp service,
    • Preparing the data to formulate short-term work plan (1 year) in the field of maintenance and repair work tools and supporting infrastructure in the area of mining activities and camp service,
    • Preparing data for departmental budgets and work to realize budget has been approved seniority,
    • Plan, manage, and monitor the repair and maintenance operations support infrastructure at the mine site (eg, maintenance and repair for cars, generators, water treatment, water pumps, Dumptruck, AC, speedboat, Internet facilities, television, etc. ),
    • Develop and monitor the implementation of infrastructure maintenance schedules,
    • Ability to prepare data and preparing reports for the spare parts need the infrastructure supporting mining operations.

    General Qualifications:
    • Preferably male, age min 35 years,
    • Pendidikan min S1 engineering machinery / electrical, from leading universities,
    • min 7 years experience in the field of mechanics and maintenance, with 3 years at supervisory level. Preferably from coal mining companies / type,
    • Mastering the English language, min passive,
    • Ability to work in a team or individually, have good communication skills, have high integrity and commitment, honest and dedicated,
    • Willing to placed in Central Kalimantan (Site),
    • Able to use computer tools (Word, excel).

    Electrician SUPERVISOR

    • To implement, coordinate, and monitor the process of repair and maintenance work means supporters of electrical loading and unloading operations in the area of coal mines,
    • Check condition of all electronic equipment and operational support infrastructure in the area of site (eg, conveyor motors, and AC power network in the camp and office sites, etc.) and implement improvement activities where damage has occurred,
    • Carry out maintenance of equipment and electronic networks, oversee the installation of electricity and distribution instalansi electrical load by the contractor including the use of electricity in the camp site and the use of operational equipment by the contractor,
    • Controlling the motor inverter system,
    • Controlling the PLC program at the unloading conveyor system and Loading,
    • Controlling system Travo step up, step down,
    • Have the electrical control equipment Jib Crane, Dozer,
    • Controlling management trouble shouting at the electrical system

    General Requirement:
    • Male, age max. 35 th,
    • Pendidikan min D3 electrical engineering from reputable university,
    • Understand the technical issues common electrical (eg, installation, control system, specification of electronic equipment),
    • Min 3 years experience in the field of electrical and maintenance. Preferably from coal mining companies / type,
    • Mastering the English language, min passive,
    • Ability to work in a team or individually, have good communication skills, have high integrity and commitment, honest and dedicated,
    • Willing to placed in Central Kalimantan (Site),
    • Able to use computer tools (Word, excel), AutoCAD preferred.


    Key Accountabilities:
    • Familiar with Civil Engineering Drawing Detail Bridge and Steel Structure Drawing,
    • Familiar with Quantity Surveying for supervision Steel Bridge Construction and pilling work,
    • Be able to prepare and provide relevant project documents, instruction and procedures, work planning, budgeting, and reporting working progress,
    • Generation / Review / Approval of materials design calculation take off (MTO),
    • Be able to Negotiate with contractor or other parties related to project work,
    • Having good skills to analyze either the proposal or others report from contractor which related to project work,
    • Having experience to handle Quality Control which connects with working for the mine infrastructure, such as road, bridge etc,
    • Strong background in management of project,
    • Good team work with the foreign contractor and consultant,
    • Able to monitor and crosscheck the erection progress from contractor.

    Specific Requirements:
    • Min. 5 years experience, preferable in steel bridge construction supervision and hauling road,
    • S1 Civil engineering from reputable university,
    • Min 35 years old. (Male / Female),
    • Ability to using Ms. Office, AutoCAD, STAAD III, etc,
    • Good command in Bahasa Indonesia both oral and written,
    • Highly self motivated person, good communication skill, attention to details, accurately, hard working, good initiative & teamwork,
    • Excellent negotiation skills,
    • Good understanding the standard rule of the civil works, earthwork, steel bridges, pilling and road,
    • Flexible and dynamic person, willing to work either in Jakarta or site areas.

    If your qualifications meet the above requirements, are expected to submit personal data and the final document - the document complements recent passport photo and a maximum of 14 days after this advertisement was published, to the address:

    HRD Manager
    PO BOX 7028/JKT.SA
    Jakarta 10350 A
    or email

    Only applicants who meet the criteria that will be contacted.

    Expiry date: March 23, 2010


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    Start out by planning your career

    Learn to know your weak and strong points. What do you want people to remember when they read something about you in a hundred years time? Do you want to be rich, famous or known for changes made to the workplace, society or any specific field, or do you want to be remembered for a specific skill? Are people more important to you than objects? Do you want to settle at one place or like to move around?

    Think about the things you dream about.

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