SMIT Singapore Pte Ltd
22 Agustus 2007
SMIT is an established international marine services group headquartered in The Netherlands. Our core business activities include salvage, transport & heavy lift, terminals & harbour towage. SMIT's services are underpinned by a unique combination of human skills, experience & hardware. We are seeking qualified applicants to join us as:
Naval Architect
Salvage & Wreck Removal
You would need to be able to think analytically, be accurate and have clarity of expression. Flexibility, initiative, a team player and a willingness to learn are key traits you should possess. In addition to all this, you should:
- Possess a degree in Shipbuilding/Naval Architecture
- Have at least 2-5 years’ experience in the shipbuilding industry. Any experience in the salvage industry would be an advantage
- Be willing to travel at short notice
As a Naval Architect, you will provide the Salvage Division with all the technical support required for salvage activities in the region as well as globality. In this respect, you will be required to:
- Prepare the salvage and wreck removal calculations/method both for tendering and execution taking into account the technical and practical feasibility. For this you would need to:
* Obtain as much information as possible from shipowners/yards about the vessel
* create risk analysis and prepare necessary calculations on applicable shipbuilding aspects of the salvage or the wreck to be removed
- Provide input on aspects of quality, safety and the regulations governing each job
- Design constructions for projects, if necessary
- Act as a troubleshooter in the area of shipbuilding and, if required, adjust the method
- Assist in the development of possible improvements to existing salvage techniques or the creation of new ones
Interested applicants, please write in/fax/email with detailed resume, stating expected salary (applications will not be considered without this information), qualifications, availability and enclose a recent passport-sized photo to:
SMIT Singapore Pte Ltd
23 Gul Road, Singapore 629356
Fax: 6668 4300
Attn: Human Resource Dept
We regret only short-listed candidates will be notified.
Previous applicant need not apply.
For more information about our website, please visit our homepage at
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August 22, 2007
Naval Architect For SMIT Singapore Pte Ltd
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