PT Gunamandiri Paripurna; 6 positions
Qatar Petroleum is the State of Qatar National Oil Company and is one of the world largest oil and gas producers with continuing growth and expansion. QP would like to recruit the following personnel. To know more about OP please visit:
Gas Processing & Production Departments
The candidate should have minimum of 5 years experience in the installation, maintenance and overhaul of pneumatic, electrical and electronic instrumentation and systems of various types and serving diverse purposes.
The candidate should have minimum of 5 years experience in the use of computerized Maintenance planning systems in jobs of a similar nature in a refinery or petrochemical plant.
The candidate should have minimum of 4 years experience in Hydrocarbon Processing Plant. Good level of spoken and fair level of written English.
The candidate should have minimum of 10 years experience in hydrocarbon industry including experience in DCS and Supervisory Control and data Acquisition Systems.
The candidate should have minimum of 10 years experience in hydrocarbon industry including experience in DCS and Supervisory Control and data Acquisition Systems.
The candidate should have minimum of 5 years experience in hydrocarbon industry including experience of Central Control System, Distribution Control Systems and with knowledge of English language (speaking and writing).
For all tile above positions, candidates require solid and strong working experience in similar type of jobs from
Gas Processing and Production Industries.
Those interested in being considered for these exciting opportunities, please visit our website, page vacancies
Head Office: JI. Kapten Tendean No. 24, Mampang Prapatan, Jakarta Selatan 12720, Indonesia Tlp: 021 -71 91 060 (Hunting), Fax: 021 -7191017
We thank all applicants, however only candidates selected for for interview will be contacted
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November 14, 2011
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Start out by planning your career
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