PT Sammarie Purnafiat / SamMarie Family Healthcare
Advertised: 27-6-07 | Closing Date: 3-7-07.
Kesempatan Berkarir
SamMarie Family Healthcare adalah Klinik dan Rumah Sakit Khusus yang bergerak di bidang pelayanan kesehatan keluarga, dengan kekhususan pada layanan terpadu fertilitas dan menoandropause. Kami memiliki keunggulan dalam hal tenaga dokter Spesialis yang terpilih dalam bidangnya, serta didukung dengan fasilitas penunjang yang lengkap dan modern untuk pemastian diagnostik yang akurat.
Saat ini kami membutuhkan karyawan untuk di tempatkan sebagai Perawat / Bidan dan Administrasi Umum, dengan Persyaratan sebagai berikut :
Rekam Medik
(Jakarta Raya - Jakarta)
Maksimal usia 27 tahun
Pendidikan lulusan D3 jurusan Rekam Medik
Pengalaman min 1 tahun
Cekatan, terampil dan berpenampilan menarik
Menguasai bahasa Inggris aktif lisan dan tulisan (dengan bukti sertifikat)
Silakan mengirimkan surat lamaran dan curriculum vitae, serta lampirkan fotokopi ijazah, transkrip akademik, sertifikat keterampilan, SIP (untuk perawat) / SIB (untuk bidan), KTP, pas foto berwarna 4 x 6 ke :
SamMarie Family Healthcare
Jalan Wijaya I No. 45
Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan 12170
Advertised: 27-6-07 | Closing Date: 26-7-07.
Indonesian Red Cross National Headquarter (PMI)
Indonesian Red Cross National Headquarter is looking for qualified human resources who have strong interest in humanitarian activities for the following position:
ICBRR Programme Technical Officer
(Jakarta Raya - Jakarta Selatan)
Main Responsibility :
To support the DM Programme implementation based on Plan of Action and PMI Strategic Plan.
To manage PMI – Amcross ICBRR Program Implementation.
Technical responsibilities :
To support Disaster Preparedness and Risk Reduction Programme (including ICBRR) Implementation and to ensure that all of activities can be implemented efficiently and effectively.
To increase the awareness and understanding among PMI Staff and volunteers, communities and other stakeholders about risk reduction and it’s implications for the programs;
To establish /maintain liaison with GO & NGOs through visit, document sharing, meeting, training/workshop as a means of exchanging experience and information;
To keep all of programme related records/documents up-dated and establish ICBRR and DP/DRR databased at PMI National Headquarter;
To collect & provide National level Disaster Management related information, message and documents to Donors and Program Offices;
To provide regular progress report based on Standart report;
To visit the program locations in connection with monitoring, evaluation and coordination;
To carry out any other program related DM and DP/DRR (ICBRR) task given by appropriate authority.
To involved to PMI Response Operation during emergency situation.
Education level: medium to high in the field of social or physical sciences, public health, management or economics
Additional knowledge required: disaster risk management
Ability to learn
Experience in the Red Cross and Red Crescent movement min. 3 years
Familiarity with disaster risk management is essential
Experience in program development and implementation is essential
Experience in networking and communication is essential
Experience in community work is preferred
Ability to communicate in English
Excellent ability to communicate in writing (including reports)
Ability to work with other organization
Excellent to work with computer (Ms. Words, Ms. Excel, Ms. Power Point or similar database software)
Ability to organize and plan
Ability to work in and with teams
Ability to elaborate work plans and reports
For further information of the position see at
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June 28, 2007
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