November 5, 2010

    Job Vacancy for Offshore Shipping Company

    We are a fast growing Offshore Shipping Company; 3 positions


    We are a fast growing Offshore Shipping Company that supports Oil & Gas Corporation, Open opportunities for you become a part our team with competitive income for the following position:

    1. Supir Pribadi (SP)
    Pria, Max. usia 35 th, berpengalaman min. 2 Th, punya SIM A+C dan lancar membawa matic.

    2. Finance & Accounting Staff (FAS)
    Male/Female (Max.30 yrs), S1 background and proficiency in English. (More preferably from UNTAR).

    3. Administration (ADM)
    Female (Max.25 yrs), High School/D3 background. (Can operate computer or internet).

    Please send your application, CV, and recent photograph not later than 12th of November 2010 to PO.BOX 3388 JKT 10033 or to our email address at Please put your code on your email subject.
    Expiry date: November 11, 2010


    Career is more than your job, it entails everything you learn and work at during your lifetime. People change jobs or get retrenched all the time. There is more to it than staying in one job or even occupation. It is about careful planning to reach your goals.

    Start out by planning your career

    Learn to know your weak and strong points. What do you want people to remember when they read something about you in a hundred years time? Do you want to be rich, famous or known for changes made to the workplace, society or any specific field, or do you want to be remembered for a specific skill? Are people more important to you than objects? Do you want to settle at one place or like to move around?

    Think about the things you dream about.

    What is your passion? What do you like to do in your spare time? What is it that you have wanted to do all of your life? Also consider those things you dread whether it is change or routine, working with your hands, seeking advice, dislike in people, animals, or loads of activity. People differ and knowing what makes you tick and what irritates you will help establish your main interests. READ MORE.....